Hopefully this is readable...I got this out of a fortune cookie today and immediately laughed because I was thinking of you, being inappropriate for the only time during those two weeks and adding "in bed" to the end.
And I also smiled because this fortune totally fits you, Emilea. So what if you were being "selfish?" Don't we all want to believe that about ourselves? I'm not sure if I could really enjoy governor's school without a one of you, if I were accepted. But I would certainly take what I could get. I'd give away a lot to spend two years with you, darling. I would miss exercising and surfing the web with you, and being uplifted by your constant, fierce desire to be a better person.
So what if you're not "super friend?" You're you. A lovely and eloquent sunshine-bringer. We wouldn't have it any other way.
PS: Can you tell what the fortune is on top of?
PPS: Heather, I would love to hear about your reasons for not sending in the application. I'm sure you thought it out, and I'd really like to learn more, if that's okay.
It's on your MOLESKINE!
i love you. thank you sooosososososososooo much. just in case you were wondering, i would totally shell out 3500 dollars to spend two years with you. i would shell out 3500 dollars to spend two weeks (days, even) with you. :- ) all of you, really.
thank you friend. much love,
pssh! yes you can jump on band wagon! as i have said before, major multi-task mission. we need moms to hook up and make sure that they're not psychos so their children can be trusted...but i still believe it could happen!!!
grace peace and love,
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